| 1. | The great wall whose total length is 5 , 500 kilometers is 1 of the new world seven wonders 长城总长为5500公里被誉为新世界七大奇迹之一 |
| 2. | It is some 3 , 500 kilometers from polynesia to new zealand , which they travelled in narrow boats 从波利尼西亚到新西兰约有3500公里,他们乘着狭长的小船前来。 |
| 3. | All our troops successfully crossed the yangtze along the long battle line of more than 500 kilometers 在漫长的一千多里的战线上,所有部队都无例外地顺利地完成了渡江任务。 |
| 4. | If he is successful , he will take the bicycle and go all the way home on bicycle . it ' s about 12 , 500 kilometers 若他成功了,他将会骑著车,走全程回到老家。那是一段将近12 , 500公里的路程。 |
| 5. | Boeing 7e7 - 3 dreamliner , optimized for shorter flights , will carry 289 passengers in two classes up to 6 . 500 kilometers 波音7e7 - 3 "梦想" ,在二等客舱布局下,作较短航程飞行( 6500公里)载客可达289人 |
| 6. | Construction work on the project is due to begin in 2008 and within six years 500 kilometers of high - speed track will be laid the government says 葡政府说,项目将在2008年开始施工, 500公里的高速铁路将需要6年的时间完成。 |
| 7. | But burma ' s reclusive military government has reported only 53 people killed along that country ' s 2 , 500 kilometers of indian ocean coastline 不过与外界隔绝的缅甸军政府报告说,在该国两千五百公里长的印度洋沿海地区,只有53人遇难死亡。 |
| 8. | The best - known sports bar here now looks as though it could be a block from yankee stadium instead of 12 , 500 kilometers , or 7 , 800 miles , away 这里的最著名的体育酒吧现在看起来好像洋基球场附近的一个街区,那不是12 , 500公里或者7 , 800英里的远。 |
| 9. | The six - year study released tuesday by australian and u . s . researchers examined reefs strung 1 , 500 kilometers along the great barrier reef , the world ' s largest living organism off australia ' s east coast 这份长达六年、由澳洲与美国研究人员于周二共同发布的报告,研究大堡礁绵延一千五百公里的珊瑚礁;大堡礁位于澳洲东岸,为全世界最大的生物体。 |
| 10. | " today , millions of people both here and abroad - all who know about this terrible catastrophe and who have a heart - of course remember this nightmare , " said russian president vladimir putin as he led a minute ' s silence at the kuban state agriculture university , 500 kilometers away “今天,国内外数以百万的群众,所有对这次大灾难有所了解所有有良知的人,都会记起一年前那个恶梦般的日子, ”俄罗斯总统普京在库班国立农业大学默哀一分钟时说。 |